I welcome you to this blog with open arms and a great deal of uncertainty. It is hard to predict who you, the reader is, and what will be of interest. But I have to start somewhere, so here we are. In addition to professional activities, I have varied interests (e.g., crochet, fiction, clicker training) but will stick to scientific matters here. My real purpose in blogging is to share my personal experiences with science as a researcher, writer and academic. To this end, I anticipate posts will include such things as recent scientific papers and presentations. When I attend conferences, I may share some highlights, take-away messages and photos. There are also likely to be stories of interesting veterinary pathology cases because who doesn’t like a good detective story? I’ll also link in my articles for general public audiences that are published in the Western Producer (and maybe elsewhere should the opportunity arise). And since I read prolifically in my spare time, I thought I might as well share my reviews and recommendations of some of the great non-fiction science-related books that grace my reading list.
Of course, just like science, this blog will be an iterative process so who knows how it will evolve. Please share your comments, ideas and suggestions! Whoever you are and however you found your way here, thank-you so very much for your interest and attention.